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Java 8 Features- default method & static method

Java 8 Features: Default Methods & Static Methods in Interfaces

Java 8 Features: Default Methods & Static Methods in Interfaces

1. Default Method in Interfaces

What is it? A default method in an interface allows you to add a method with a body (i.e., implementation) in the interface itself. This was introduced in Java 8 to avoid breaking existing implementations when new methods are added to an interface.


interface MyInterface {
   default void myDefaultMethod() {
       System.out.println("This is a default method");

Why is it needed?

  • Backward Compatibility: Before Java 8, if an interface was updated by adding new methods, all implementing classes had to provide implementations for the new methods, which could break existing code. Default methods solve this issue by providing a default implementation within the interface itself.
  • Code Reusability: Default methods allow interfaces to have method bodies without forcing all implementing classes to provide their own implementation.


Overriding Default Methods:

Yes, default methods can be overridden by a class that implements the interface.


interface Animal {
   default void makeSound() {
       System.out.println("Animal makes sound");

class Dog implements Animal {
   public void makeSound() {
       System.out.println("Dog barks");

Real-World Use Case: In a gaming project, consider an interface Player with a move() method. If you later want to add a sprint() method but want to avoid breaking existing player types (like Warrior, Archer, etc.), you can introduce a default implementation for sprint() in the interface. This ensures backward compatibility with classes that don’t need the new feature while allowing others to override it as needed.


interface Player {
   void attack();

   default void sprint() {
       System.out.println("Player is sprinting...");

class Warrior implements Player {
   public void attack() {
       System.out.println("Warrior attacks with a sword!");

class Archer implements Player {
   public void attack() {
       System.out.println("Archer attacks with a bow!");


2. Static Methods in Interfaces

What is it? A static method in an interface allows the interface to provide a utility method that doesn't depend on an instance of the implementing class. The method is invoked using the interface name, not an object.



interface MyInterface {
   static void myStaticMethod() {
       System.out.println("This is a static method");


Why is it needed?

  • Utility Methods: Static methods in interfaces can provide helper or utility methods that are related to the interface but don't require an instance of the class implementing the interface. This can help in code organization and reuse.
  • Centralized Logic: For complex systems, static methods allow defining shared functionality directly in the interface, which can be useful for algorithms, validations, or factory methods.

Can We Override Static Methods?

  • No, static methods in interfaces cannot be overridden by implementing classes. Static methods are not part of the polymorphic method resolution. They are tied to the interface itself, not to an instance of the implementing class.


interface MyInterface {
   static void staticMethod() {
       System.out.println("Static method in interface");

class MyClass implements MyInterface {
   // Cannot override static methods from interface
   // public static void staticMethod() { }


3. Role of Default Methods in Multiple Inheritance

How Default Methods Help with Multiple Inheritance at the Class Level: Java doesn’t support multiple inheritance directly (i.e., a class cannot extend multiple classes), but it does allow a class to implement multiple interfaces. This can create issues if two interfaces provide conflicting default methods (known as the diamond problem in multiple inheritance scenarios). In such cases, the class must override the conflicting method.

  • Example of Diamond Problem:

    interface A {
       default void hello() {
           System.out.println("Hello from A");

    interface B {
       default void hello() {
           System.out.println("Hello from B");

    class C implements A, B {
       public void hello() {
           System.out.println("Hello from C");

    In the above example, class C implements both A and B, both of which have a default hello() method. Java will throw a compilation error unless C provides its own implementation of hello() to resolve the conflict.

    Real-World Use Case (Gaming): In a gaming application, you may have multiple interfaces like WarriorActions and ArcherActions, both defining attack() as a default method. A HybridPlayer class may need to implement both interfaces, but the default behavior could conflict. The HybridPlayer class will need to resolve this by overriding the method.


    interface WarriorActions {
       default void attack() {
           System.out.println("Warrior attacks!");

    interface ArcherActions {
       default void attack() {
           System.out.println("Archer shoots an arrow!");

    class HybridPlayer implements WarriorActions, ArcherActions {
       public void attack() {
           System.out.println("Hybrid player attacks with sword and bow!");


    4. Why Use Static Methods in Interfaces?

    Why Use Static Methods in Interfaces? Static methods in interfaces are useful for:

    • Providing Utility Functions: Interfaces can provide common utility methods, such as validation or conversion methods, that can be used without needing to instantiate the implementing class.
    • Factory Methods: Static methods can be used to create instances of classes or interfaces.

    Real-World Use Case (Gaming): In a gaming project, you might have a WeaponFactory interface with a static method to create different types of weapons, which can be used without creating instances of the WeaponFactory class.



    interface WeaponFactory {
       static Weapon createWeapon(String type) {
           if (type.equals("Sword")) {
               return new Sword();
           } else if (type.equals("Bow")) {
               return new Bow();
           return null;


    • Default Methods allow interfaces to provide implementations, enabling backward compatibility and code reusability.
    • Static Methods in interfaces are useful for utility functions and centralized logic that don’t require instances of the implementing classes.
    • Multiple Inheritance issues can be addressed by using default methods with care, as Java allows a class to implement multiple interfaces but requires explicit resolution when conflicts arise



    package com.niteshsynergy.java8;

    public class DefaultStaticMethod {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    MyClass obj = new MyClass();

    // Call static method using interface name
    Utility.printMessage("Hello from Java 8!");

    class MyClass implements InterfaceA, InterfaceB {
    // Resolving the conflict by overriding the method
    public void show() {
    // Explicitly calling the desired interface method
    System.out.println("Overridden Method in MyClass");
    interface InterfaceA {
    default void show() {
    System.out.println("Default Method from InterfaceA");

    interface InterfaceB {
    default void show() {
    System.out.println("Default Method from InterfaceB");
    interface Utility {
    static void printMessage(String message) {
    System.out.println("Static Method: " + message);
    Default Methods and Static Methods in Interfaces
    Java 8 introduced default methods and static methods in interfaces to overcome limitations and enhance the flexibility of interfaces. These features are especially useful for achieving multiple inheritance and providing utility methods.
    Why Default Methods?
    Backward Compatibility: Allows developers to add new methods to interfaces without breaking existing implementations.
    Multiple Inheritance in Interfaces: Helps resolve issues with method conflicts in multiple interfaces.
    Key Points:

    Default methods have a default keyword and provide a body (implementation).
    They can be overridden by implementing classes.
    Why Static Methods?
    Utility Methods in Interfaces: Allows defining helper methods directly in the interface.
    Static methods are not inherited by implementing classes.
    They can only be called using the interface name.

    Multiple Inheritance with Default Methods
    Java does not allow multiple inheritance with classes (to avoid ambiguity), but interfaces with default methods make this possible by explicitly handling conflicts.
7 min read
Nov 19, 2024
By Nitesh Synergy